Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5/365 Sixty Feet Up

From time to time Wayne has to go to the top of the sailboat mast to make a repair - definitely not his favorite thing to do. He sits in a sling-type affair and I hoist him up using an electric winch. His safety is literally in my hands and he doesn't come down until I'm ready to let him down. Such a feeling of power! He went up today and no, I didn't ask him to look down and say "cheese" for the camera.


  1. Wow, that's a long way up. You've got to have trust in the one hoisting you up and down. Pretty sky.

  2. Gorgeous sky. Love the feathery clouds. I bet Wayne didn't notice them. Hope you let him down! :-)

  3. Oh, shoot, Tracy! Thanks for reminding me!

  4. Lol... hope he's down by now. Blue and white are such a great color combo.


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