Sunday, January 2, 2011

2/365 My New Shoes

I am SO excited about my new shoes! They even came with a DVD and claim to "burn more calories, strengthen the back, firm calf and buttock muscles, tone and firm thigh muscles, increase cardiovascular health, improve posture, reduce stress on knee and ankle joints, and relieve muscle tension and fatigue." Besides that, they're pretty. Who'd a thunk shoes could do so much? Why, they should just call them "Miracle Shoes." Heck, I'm going to rip up my list of New Years resolutions and just wear these shoes all year!


  1. So. If I just put those on, I can spend the day at the computer and let them do the work??? I'm in! ;-)

  2. Oooh, I LOVE new exercise shoes!

  3. I bought those last year and took them with me to Vegas. OUCH.

  4. In addition to doing all those things for your health, they also provide a wonderful mosaic in a photo!


I welcome feedback.